Render Advertising’s programmatic marketing solutions and collective expertise have an unwavering track record of successfully identifying, implementing and delivering Marketing solutions that will not only meet but surpass our client’s marketing objectives.

Outdoor Advertising

Render Advertising only uses the best contrasting colors and has a simple to read headline with no more than 7 Words in their “call to action” tag.  The average billboard viewer has just under seven seconds to read and retain the advertising message; that why getting right to the point is Key! Keep in mind, the top billboard locations in the market will not make up for poorly designed creative.

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Radio Advertising

Render Advertising has been in the radio advertising business for over 20 years and will dedicate its full resources to producing the most impactful radio advertising message and placing your radio commercials on the local radio stations and using networks such as Pandora and I-Heart Radio that target your demographics and that are most likely to get the results you need to call your radio advertising campaign success on a local or national level.

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Television Advertising

Today TV advertising accounts for almost half of all advertising expenditure across the world, spanning in every media format. But are they buying TV correctly? Render Advertising will analyze your TV Commercials and place them just at the right time and networks that makes the most since for your company’s campaign. About 80% of TV watchers time shift and “DVR” by reordering most of their favorite shows and watching them a later time to avoid watching the commercials. Render Advertising has clever way to get the most impact for your Television dollars spent.

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Internet Advertising

Programmatic advertising is the automated process of buying and selling ad inventory through an exchange and connecting advertisers to publishers. This process uses artificial intelligence technologies and real-time bidding for inventory across mobile, display, video and social channels – even making its way into television.

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